Getting information to your crews can be tough – whether it’s delays, risk awareness, or general updates.
Rather than calling everyone or texting long messages, jobsite leaders are starting to use their phones to create quick videos that give crews the information they need—right in their pockets.
While you may think “I can’t make something polished, and I’m definitely not a producer,” the fact is, you don’t need to craft a fancy, big-budget video. More than anything, field workers value the information they hear directly from peers on-site. That’s it.
Need ideas to get started? Here’s a list of ways people are using video today.
Quick How-to’s
When you have a new task to execute and a lot of workers that need to learn it, it’s often quickest to pull out your phone and shoot a quick how-to video that walks them through the steps, shows them what tools to use, and gives them any tips for success one time.
The benefit: team members can replay the video as many times as they need and you can save yourself from explaining the same information to new hires over again. That’s a lot of time saved for everyone.
Toolbox Talks
Companies like Pepper Construction have moved from in-person toolbox talks to sharing video talks with their crews. We’ve heard from teams that this transition has made talks more relevant, in-depth, and personalized—not to mention efficient, as they allow the teams to view the videos on a schedule that works for them.
Safety Warnings
And then there’s the urgent stuff, like last-minute facility changes and safety alerts. From swing radius warnings to power shut-off notifications, you can use video to show crews exactly where they should or shouldn’t be at any given time. Here’s an example.
Onboarding in Record Time
Bringing crews together for an orientation can be difficult to schedule, and requires team members to commute. Video gives everyone more flexibility—and means crews can arrive at a job already familiar with the site, site leaders, and protocols. Remember: the process doesn’t need change—just how your team members get the information they need to do their jobs.
Putting Videos on Blast
Once videos are recorded, they can be sent out via text, email, or—better yet—on dedicated communications apps. The MindForge app, for example, provides a secure way to share and store these types of videos for your entire crew with just a few taps.
And, because the app allows you to track who has seen it or who has questions, you can quickly identify and provide additional training or mentorship to those who need it most.